5 Tips to Grow Your YouTube Channel
By Brand Spot
March 21, 2019
Online video presents opportunities that television simply doesn’t. YouTube is usually patronized by a hyper-engaged, highly-connected audience who craves the two-way communication YouTube offers. And unlike TV, YouTube lives everywhere because it’s accessible on hundreds…
How YouTube is helping reclaim the lost art of apprenticeship
August 16, 2018
We live in a fast-paced century. Half the time at work is spent keeping up with and adapting to new technologies and the demands of an increasingly digital economy. A consequence of this hurriedness is…
YouTube Is Rolling Out Its Stories Feature to More Users
August 2, 2018
It seems like almost every popular social networking service in 2018 has the Stories feature. You may have seen it from Facebook to Instagram and even WhatsApp. Stories offer a different avenue for those who…
Dark Mode is Finally Rolling Out to YouTube For Android
July 30, 2018
In March this year, Google officially announced that YouTube for iOS had a dark mode that some users activate if they wish to do so. This option is now coming to YouTube for Android according…
YouTube to work with local media organizations to improve online video news quality and experience
July 17, 2018
Google has announced a $25 million investment to expand its work supporting the news ecosystem’s long-term success in online video—with a special focus on YouTube. This comes just three months after the launch of the…
YouTube Picture-in-Picture May Soon Be Available to All Users on Android Oreo
May 8, 2018
If you like multitasking or you switch between different applications more than the average person, then you know that the experience is never smooth when you are on YouTube. As soon as you leave the…
YouTube Videos Will Now Autoplay When You Open the YouTube App for Android
April 10, 2018
If you spend a lot of time online, you may have come across websites or apps with videos that start playing as soon as you open the homepage. Some people like this and others hate…
Finance Apps in Sub-Saharan Africa See 34% Growth
January 30, 2025
I Used YouTube Go for A Week and This is What I found Out
March 26, 2018
Back in 2017, Google unveiled YouTube Go for those who have entry level devices that may not have the latest and most powerful specifications. This was just one of the many ‘Go’ applications. Some of…
Finance Apps in Sub-Saharan Africa See 34% Growth
January 30, 2025
YouTube Plans to Add Picture-in-Picture Video Feature to Its Desktop Platform
March 20, 2018
Google is about to make some changes to the YouTube player by allowing users to minimize videos to a thumbnail that will keep playing and let them continue browsing through the website. This feature is…
Finance Apps in Sub-Saharan Africa See 34% Growth
January 30, 2025