Earlier this year, WhatsApp announced an update to its privacy policy that got so many people angry and worried about the move the messaging app was taking. With this privacy policy update, WhatsApp would share…
WhatsApp added its disappearing messages feature in 2020. Disappearing messages allows you to send messages that have a pre-determined period after which they vanish. For WhatsApp, that time was fixed on 7 days which starts…
WhatsApp is working on a feature that’ll make it easier to transfer chats from iOS to Android. The only way for WhatsApp users to migrate chats between Android and iOS has been to rely on…
WhatsApp chats are secured using popular end-to-end encryption technology, a ubiquitous feature in instant messaging applications – and even video conferencing software. The only downside is that WhatsApp does not encrypt user and group chats…
WhatsApp launched ephemeral messages last year that disappear after a specified period. The feature grants users a little bit of control over confidential messages. Messages would disappear after seven days even if the recipient viewed…
WhatsApp has been testing voice and video call support for its desktop app on Mac and Windows since late last year, but the chapter has finally been closed. As a result, the feature is now…
Telegram is one of the most feature-rich instant messaging platforms, and it also proud itself among the biggest staunch privacy supporters. Last month, the app rolled out the ability to export chats from WhatsApp, enhanced…
WhatsApp has devised two ways to clear up its upcoming privacy changes that were met with online fury. Last week the app said users would eventually accept the new privacy changes to continue using the…
WhatsApp has discovered a new way of clearing the air on its controversial Privacy Policy update that will go into effect on May 15th (from April 5th previously). Previously it started sending its billion-plus users…