Let’s Talk About T-Kash, The New Mobile Money Service by Telkom Kenya
March 13, 2018
Yesterday, Telkom Kenya unveiled its new Mobile Money service, T-Kash. The company made so much noise about this product and this was expected. Ever since Telkom Kenya rebranded, its has had this hyped approach to…
Identity Protection Is the New Business Imperative
March 13, 2018
Business is evolving in the face of two opposing technology trends: The transformative power of the cloud and the mounting cost of cybercrime. Living at the intersection of these new business realities are billions of…
Nokia: We Want to be Among the Top 5 Smartphone Manufacturers In The Next 3 to 5 Years
March 12, 2018
Nokia ‘exited’ the smartphone market a few years ago but the company officially came back early last year with the unveiling of the Nokia 6. This was the first smartphone from HMD Global, the company…
Tariff Guide For Telkom Kenya’s New Mobile Money Service, T-Kash
March 12, 2018
Earlier today, Telkom Kenya officially introduced its new mobile money service, T-Kash. This new service is replacing Orange Money, a service the company axed a couple of months back. T-Kash is here to compete with…
Microsoft Reminds Organizations to Remain Secure Throughout The Digital Transformation Journey
By Brand Spot
March 8, 2018
In a time where the plight against cybercrime is rifer than ever before, an increasing amount of organisations have recognized the importance of embarking on their own respective journeys to digital transformation. Today, Microsoft hosted…
Four reasons why cyber-security should be on your 2018 agenda
By Brand Spot
March 5, 2018
2017 saw a slew of cyber-attacks, major hacks, threats and data breaches dominating world headlines. Many of these breaches were in fact the result of human error. They demonstrate that to compete in the emerging…
Smartphone Manufacturers Shipped 0.5% Fewer Devices in 2017 Compared to 2016
March 1, 2018
In 2017, we saw amazing smartphones on both Android and iOS. Manufacturers we all about innovating and bringing new features to consumers and this is always a good thing. What is interesting about 2017 is…
GOtv Plus and GOtv Value Subscription Rates to Be Adjusted Upwards This April
February 28, 2018
If you have subscribed to GOtv Plus or GOtv Value, you should be prepared to pay a few shillings more as from April. The company will be making price adjustments to these bouquets by a…
Four Things You Need to Know About Safaricom Platinum
February 23, 2018
Earlier today, you may have seen ‘Safaricom Platinum’ all over social media especially Twitter. With this, you may have wondered, what is it all about? What has Safaricom done this time round? If you have…