M-Pesa Turns 18
March 7, 2025
WhatsApp dark mode: What we know so far
By John Nyabuto
January 14, 2020
A number of Android users have even been able to get an early glimpse of what Whatsapp dark mode will look like by exploiting a small bug in the current beta release. So what is…
TikTok Launches STEM Feed in Kenya
February 24, 2025
Google Introduces Scheduled Actions, Natural Reading Voice and more in its Voice Assistant
January 8, 2020
Like other tech companies, who have announced their upcoming products, or concepts, at least, Google has also announced a slew of new features in its voice assistant. The major changes announced include Scheduled actions, household notes,…
M-Pesa Turns 18
March 7, 2025
Google Search Now Lets You Add Movies and TV Shows to a 'WatchList'
January 2, 2020
Google Search’s latest update is bringing a new feature called Watch List to your searches on Movies and TV Shows. With this, you will be able to add Movies and TV Shows to your Watch…
M-Pesa Turns 18
March 7, 2025
Telegram’s Latest Update Brings these Nifty Features
January 2, 2020
Telegram’s latest update — version 5.13, for those who keep count, has brought some cool nifty additions with it. The first handy addition is the “Send when Online” feature. This allows users to draft their…
M-Pesa Turns 18
March 7, 2025
Google Starts Testing Floating Conversations in Android Messages
December 28, 2019
Google has started testing floating conversations, a feature that is part of a new API for “Bubbles.” What this API does is it enables you to have messages and other functions floating on top of…
M-Pesa Turns 18
March 7, 2025
YouTube Creators, Here is a new Cool feature Tested on YouTube’s Android App
December 24, 2019
The YouTube Creator community is no longer just doing things independently – we have seen collaborations become a common thing now and then. To make it easy for users to find featured creators in a…
M-Pesa Turns 18
March 7, 2025
Google Introduces Verified SMS Feature in Android Messages to Fight Spam Texts
December 16, 2019
Spam messages have increasingly become a problem in this digital era. Recent reports from Truecaller have shown that Africa has the three top countries where users receive most spam texts in a month. In Ethiopia,…
M-Pesa Turns 18
March 7, 2025
Microsoft Unveils new Logos for its Products, including Windows
December 16, 2019
Microsoft has announced new modern icons for over 100 of its products, including Windows. The company first unveiled a design overhaul for its products back in 2018 in what it terms as a Fluent Design….
M-Pesa Turns 18
March 7, 2025
Microsoft's Your Phone App For Windows 10 Now Allows More Android Users to Make Calls from their PC
December 12, 2019
Your Phone app is Microsoft’s plan to bring common ground and seamless integration between Android users and their Windows-powered PCs. You could say it is an imitation to the macOS-iOS experience. But Your Phone supports…
M-Pesa Turns 18
March 7, 2025