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National Bank of Kenya Reports Ksh 1.06 Billion Profit

NBK National bank of kenya

NBK National bank of kenya

The National Bank of Kenya (NBK) has reported Ksh 1.06 billion of profit after tax in the Financial Year 2024. This is a remarkable recovery from an after-tax loss of KSh 3.3 billion recorded in the same period last year. 

“The year 2024 has seen the Bank bounce back to profitability despite the rough macroeconomic environment that we encountered. This is highly attributed to the improved efficiency in our systems, diversifying revenue streams and continuous improvement in customer service and experience. Looking ahead, we have set our sights on strengthening our relationship with our existing customer base and also enhancing product and service delivery to meet their ever-evolving needs,” said George Odhiambo, Managing Director, NBK

Revenue growth was driven by balance sheet optimization and digital transformation, which is a key pillar in the Bank’s strategy. The Bank implemented a new core banking system and enhanced its digital payments platform, improving customer experience and operational efficiencies. 

Key Financial highlights.

Also Read: National Bank of Kenya Appoints Seasoned Banker George Odhiambo as Managing Director

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