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Africa Data Centres Set to Expand Capacity in South Africa After Securing Over $109 M in Funding

Africa data centres

Africa Data Centres has secured over $109 Million funding that will assist it expand its data centre capacity in South Africa. This was facilitated through a bespoke financing solution arranged by RMB.

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“This funding is a significant milestone in the growth of Africa Data Centres,” said Hardy Pemhiwa, President & Group CEO of Cassava Technologies. “It underscores our commitment to growth and our confidence in the future of the South African data centre market. The additional funding will allow us to support the digital transformation journeys of our customers. Data Centres are key to delivering on our vision of a digitally connected future that leaves no African behind”.

RMB acted as the Coordinator, Initial Mandated Lead Arranger and Bookrunner on the $109 Million billion facility. The facility was structured by RMB taking into account the current strategic objectives of Africa Data Centres.

Africa Data Centres operates a network of hyper scale and edge data centres across Southern, East and West Africa. The financing will enable Africa Data Centres to accelerate expand its hyperscale data centre capacity by an additional 20MW,  furthering its position as a leading player in the African data centre space enabling ADC to provide the highest standard of interconnected, carrier and cloud-neutral data centre facilities.

“The data centre space presents a significant digital infrastructure opportunity, as there is currently a large deficit of supply versus demand. With the exponential growth in demand for data centre capacity in Africa, we are proud to partner with Africa Data Centres as they facilitate digital transformation across the continent.  We see this funding as part of RMB’s mandate of financing the development of a sustainable digital economy in South Africa” says Nana Phiri, head of corporate client group at RMB.

Also Read: Africa Data Centres Joins Forces with LINX to Enhance Interconnectivity in East Africa

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