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What Can We Learn About Time Management from Successful People?

Time management

Time management

Mastering time management is important to achieve success in professional life and maintain balance in personal life. While most of us struggle with managing time on a daily basis, when we take a look at successful individuals, they seem to have everything under control. It looks like these people possess some ability that allows them to manage their time effectively. If you are wondering how they are so good with time management, then continue reading, as we discuss some habits of successful people and how they keep their time managed so well.

They Start Their Day Early

If you were to ask or inquire of any successful people about their day, most of them will tell you that they start their day early and get up early in the morning. Instead of wasting time sleeping, they get up early and get off to a routine. Most of the successful people wake between 5 – 6 am and this is also the prayer time too.

You might be thinking how can they wake up so early? Well, the answer to that is that they not only get up early but also go to bed early and this allows them to take full advantage of the day ahead. Plus, exercise is a big part of the lives of successful people and they make sure to move their bodies every day.

They Set Priorities and Goals for Each Day

Having a proper routine and work plan can make things so much easier for you. It can enable you to determine the course of your day and make progress to achieve your goals. When we take a look at the lives of successful people, we get to know that they make a daily work plan for every day. The daily work plan that they make for every day depends upon the urgency and importance of various tasks so that they can get finished with urgent and important tasks first.

Making a routine and work plan for each day based on the importance and urgency of tasks can make things much easier for you and allow you to be able to achieve all of your tasks without any issues.

They Focus on One Task at a Time

A common misconception these days is that multitasking can increase your efficiency and productivity, but research has proven that it can in fact slow you down and hamper your productivity. When you start to focus on multiple things at a time and tackle multiple tasks simultaneously, you are doing nothing more than wasting your time because it can not only deteriorate your focus but also decrease the quality of your work.

Most human beings can’t multitask very well and when people claim that they can multitask, they are actually deluding themselves. If you really want to get better with time, focus on one thing at a time and this is what most successful people do. They focus on the task at hand, be it a professional one or a personal one like Prayer, and finish it before moving on to the next one.

They Apply the 80/20 Principle

The Pareto Principle or the 80/20 principle is quite commonly used by successful people these days and it really helps them with time management. If you don’t know about the 80/20 principle or Pareto Principle, it states that 20 percent of actions drive 80 percent of results and the remaining 80 percent drive only 20 percent of results. 

This means that successful people know that important and priority tasks are going to drive the most important results and they focus mostly on the important and priority tasks, giving them full attention. As for the remaining and less important tasks, they delegate them.

They Delegate Tasks

Another quality that makes successful people so good with time management is that they have learned to delegate various tasks. As a human being, you cannot be present in all places at all times. Similarly, you cannot also get all tasks completed on your own. Successful people delegate their tasks to their team and subordinates instead of trying to do it all themselves. This allows them to distribute the workload and assign less important tasks to their subordinates. As a result, they are left with ample time to focus on tasks that really matter.

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