If you have celebrated your birthday recently, you probably noticed that Safaricom did not give you the 1GB data gift as it has done in previous years.
Safaricom introduced the 1GB birthday data deal back in 2018 where it gives subscribers 1GB of data for free for 24 hours on their birthday. This has been a nice gesture and a way to thank its subscribers.
The 1GB birthday gift has been missing for a few months for no clear reason. When it was introduced, Safaricom stated that this was a permanent promo and it was confusing for it to disappear with no explanation.
Some users raised questions asking why they do not receive the 1GB gift and Safaricom clarified that the service has been temporarily suspended pending improvements.
In a reply to one user by the name Jan Carol Mukhaya, Safaricom replied saying “Hello Jan. Our apologies, the birthday bundle promotion has been temporarily halted to allow for improvement on the same. Once resumed, we will alert our subscribers. Have a good one.”
Besides the data, the Service offers subscribers affordable call rates on their birthday. Safaricom did not clarify what improvements it was working on or how long it will take.
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