
How to Take Pictures on the Phone | 7 Professional Secrets by Experts

iphone photography

Have you long wanted to learn how to take pictures on your phone and create content on the level of your favorite bloggers? Afraid of getting confused in all the nuances of mobile photography and think that you can become a pro only by having a camera? Then read our article on how to learn how to take cool photos on your phone and get juicy shots.

Get Inspiration From Famous Photographers

Start following the accounts of talented photographers to look for inspiration. Professionals’ work will teach you how to frame your shots and find harmonious color schemes.

What’s more, you can start looking for tutorials by experts. This content is available for any niche, and if with betting, it’s 22Bet, with photography, it’s Digital Photography School and Creative Live.

Don’t Be Afraid to Post Your Work

It is typical for newbies to underestimate their own abilities. Don’t be afraid to post a photo that “doesn’t reach” the quality of your favorite accounts. Maybe you are too critical of yourself, and a new post will get more likes and reactions than you expected.

Stay Natural

Beginning photographers tend to create an “image” around the account. Try not to overdo it with imitation of fashion trends, but focus on developing your own handwriting. Popular tricks like frequently used masks on instagram will scare away sensitive followers.

Be Open to New Genres, Formats, and Approaches

Don’t get hung up on creating photos in one style. Experimenting with surroundings, light and shadows, settings and processing are necessary steps in developing a budding photographer. Already getting landscape shots? Find a model for portrait photography. Getting results in your subject photo shoots? Get outdoors and try a reportage format.

Manually Edit Your Photos

Processing a photo is 30-40% of the result. Try to avoid standard filters. Better adjust the sharpness, saturation, and brightness settings manually. It will take longer at first, but in the end you will get great-looking depth images.

Turn on HDR Mode

Most smartphones use HDR mode: when your phone’s camera takes a series of shots instead of just one. The software selects spot areas in each of the shots taken and produces a single image.

Use HDR when shooting landscapes, portraits, and low-light locations. Please note that HDR takes longer to capture a photo than a classic photo, so it’s not suitable for capturing dynamic scenes.

Take a Lot of Pictures

The memory of the smartphone can store thousands of photos. Don’t be afraid to take a series of photos: that way you increase the chance of capturing the “magic” moment. Constant practice in photography increases the chance of accidentally capturing a worthwhile scene and improves your reportage skills.

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