Telegram is celebrating seven years since its launch in 2013. The secure messaging app now boasts over 400 million users after hitting the 400 million mark in April. While announcing its 7th anniversary, the platform has introduced one-on-one video calls, a feature that has been brought about due to the current situation around the world, according to the company.
Video calls are here to satisfy the “need for face-to-face communication,” the company wrote in a blog post. Aside from that, video calls are just necessary for any messaging platform these days. Look at Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp and others.
Currently, the one-on-one video calling is available in the alpha channel, but that update is already available on Android and iOS.
The video calling feature has been added on the contact’s profile page section designated with a video button. Telegram’s video calling feature supports picture-in-picture giving you the flexibility to scroll through chats while still connected.
For now, there isn’t much about the feature. However, the company is preparing to add “more features and improvements in future versions.” Group video calls are also coming soon; the company says it will be launched “in the coming months”.
Additionally, Telegram also added a couple of new animated emojis to its increasingly extensive library. Telegram is currentl “one of the top 10 most downloaded apps in the world,” the company said.