Google has September 8th set as the official date for the release of Android 11. Huawei is preparing for the same and looks forward to releasing the new version of its custom Android iteration, EMUI. Like Android 11, Huawei’s Android-11 based UI will be released in September but just two days after Google’s launch.
Huawei will hold its annual developer conference (HDC 2020) between 10th and 12th September at its Songshan Lake headquarters in China.
At HDC 2020, as the name suggests, Huawei is expected to launch new products for developers. The consumers will receive the company’s latest software iterations to power its devices for the next year.
Huawei will launch EMUI 11, based on open-source Android 11, and the second iteration of its in-house multi-purpose operating system, HarmonyOS 2.0. The company is also expected to reveal HMS 5.0(Huawei Mobile Services). News related to 5G, AI, and other new technologies will also be shared.
Huawei Mobile Services’ core 5.0 related announcements will be of high interest as it will document what the company plans to be the future of its Google Mobile services alternative.
The same applies to Harmony OS, the company’s operating system that is being groomed to be the core software across the company’s portfolio of devices, including TVs, IoT devices, and even handhelds.
Harmony OS received massive media attention last year as an Android alternative, although Huawei only introduced it in a few models of their TV series under the Honor sub-brand.