At this point, there is no end in sight in the US-China trade war. We are just not sure what will come out of this or if this will be the new normal.
Huawei is one company caught in the middle of all this and the company has seen slight decline in sales in some markets. American companies are banned from doing business with Huawei and this means that Google, one of the key players in the Android ecosystem, is not allowed to continue doing business with the Chinese manufacturer.
With the ban, new Huawei smartphones do not come with Google Mobile Services, one of the key services availed to Android smartphones. Huawei has been working on alternatives to circumnavigate this but it is still early for the company to have anything substantial. The company even has its own Google Play alternative that it is calling App Gallery.
Huawei cannot do anything about the ban effected by the US government but Google can. There is an option for Google to apply for an exemption that will allow it to continue doing business with Huawei and this allow the Chinese manufacturer to use it Mobile services.
This is exactly what Google has done and now it is a waiting game. Microsoft applied for a similar exception a while back and it was granted and the software giant can now do business with Huawei. I am surprised it took Google this long to do the same.
If Google is finally allowed to do business with Huawei, the Chinese manufacturer will be able to update its devices with Google Mobile services and thus avail apps such as YouTube, Gmail, Play Store etc to those using its devices.
Also Read: Google Warns Huawei Smartphone Users not to Sideload Google Play Applications