Snapchat’s plans to reinvent TV have been running for the past two years. Recently, the company shared some news which push it closer to its bigger plans. Last year Snapchat introduced Snap Originals, its new set of Snapchat original series on the platform which were both scripted and unscripted.
The shows were placed in the discover section and looked conspicuously similar to the Netflix homepage design of movies at least –or identical to any other streaming platform UI.
The company recently introduced a new line-up of original shows dubbed Creator Shows which star celebrities and is tied with ad-revenue sharing deals. The Creator Shows have so far signed up agreements with several celebrities including Kevin Hart, Serena Williams, and even Arnold Schwarzenegger among others.
In a move to make its shows easier to binge-watch and discover new shows, the company is additionally testing a separate homepage for its Shows. The new Shows homepage is now separated from the Discover section and Snap’s partner content.
Snapchat’s short binge-able shows are already catching traction with the company estimating a three times increase in time spent on the platform binge-watching since last year.
No specific numbers were revealed, but it has been reported that some shows attracted as high as 25 to 35 million views per month an example of NBC’s Stay Tuned.
Other Snap Originals Show like “Bringing up Bahbie” recorded over 10million viewers in the first 24 hours. So its clear Snapchat is doing great as a platform for watching shows.
The new Shows page may even make the platform more friendly and easy to discover amazing shows. Snapchat is still testing the new feature and an extra swipe on the discover page may or may not land you in this secret territories. It not clear when the feature will be available internationally.
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