Telegram has just rolled out an updated version of its messaging application. The company has announced Telegram 4.4 that comes with a ton of new features including a new media player which it says can better handle the playback of MP3s and music files that users send.
In addition to the new media player, the latest update also introduces live locations. With these, Telegram users will be able to broadcast their current location to any chat in real time. You will be able to use this new feature effectively when you are on the move and you want to send your exact location to the person you are chatting with.
To be able to use Live Locations, you will have to access the Location mention by tapping the “Share My Location for …” option and choosing who you want to send the information to. You will be able to share Live Location in private chats with one person and groups as well. When in a group and other members share their locations, you will also get an interactive map showing everyone’s location.
Another addition to Telegram is a new translation platform that will allow users to use the messaging app in a number of different languages including French, Indonesian, Malayan, Russian and Ukrainian. With the addition of these languages, Telegram now supports 13 languages and the company has said it will be adding more of them soon.
If you want to see what Telegram 4.4 is all about, you can download the updated app from the Google Play Store for Android and Apple App store for iOS.