Telegram version 4.2 has just been rolled out and with it is the introduction of disappearing content for all private chats. With this feature, you have the option of setting a timer that will automatically delete photos and videos that you send when the timer hits “0”. The photos and videos will be deleted permanently and this means they won’t be accessible in the future.
According to Telegram, the timer can be set for any photo or video in the private chats section. This is similar to the disappearing videos and photos that are already available in the Secret Chats section. For privacy, you will get a notification when someone takes a screenshot of the disappearing message.
Disappearing content was popularized by Snapchat and makes it possible for users to send photos and videos that self destruct. It is a feature that has been popular with the younger users for reasons known to them.
Add a Bio
Besides the self destructing photos and videos, this latest update lets you add a bio to your Telegram profile. This bio is like any other bio on any other social site out there. You add a few lines of text about you and anyone who opens your profile will see it.
In addition, the updated app make it easier for you to use stickers. This is thanks to the new feature that makes it possible to enlarge the scrolling area making it it easier to find the right sticker to use.
If you are into editing, this update brings new video editing tools for you to use.
Telegram version 4.2 is already rolling out and I have it on my device. You can grab it by heading to the Google play store or app store.
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