
Telegram Supergroups Can Now Have Up To 10,000 Members


The ability to create groups makes messaging apps way more useful for most people. You can bring together employees or just a group of people and make it easier for them to chat with each other. Telegram has always pushed the group chatting limits as it tries to make sure each group can accommodate more people that its competitor, WhatsApp.

With the latest update, Telegram is raising the bar even higher and says that its supergroups can now accommodate up to 10,000 users. Do you really need 10,000 people is one Telegram group? Well, that is up to you but just know that you can have such groups if you wish to do so.

“Admins also get new tools for managing the increasing group populations: creators can appoint admins with granular rights (add members, remove members, add new admins, etc.). We’ve also added partial restrictions for members (read-only, no stickers etc.) and temporary bans,” the company said in a statement. What this means is that admins can give other admins privileges but still limit their rights if they don’t want them to have every privilege.

All these changes are available in Telegram version 4.1 that was released a few days ago. This update also brings a new event log for the admins who will be able to see all service actions that the members and admins of a channel or supergroup have taken within the last 48 hours.

The update also brings sharing and 3D Touch improvements to Telegram for iOS while those on Android will be getting Android Pay support for Bot Payments. In addition to this, the latest update introduces proxy server settings to help users avoid connection issues in areas where it is censored by ISPs and governments. You can access the proxy option from the Data and Storage section in the settings.

If you need any of the mentioned features, get the latest version of Telegram from your respective app store.

Also Read: Telegram Version 4.0 Brings Video Messages And Bot Payments To Its Android App

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