
Apple: We Are Still Serious About Desktop PCs


Whether people like to admit it or not, Apple makes beautiful laptops. The company has been making both laptops and PCs for years but in the recent past, we have heard about its laptops a lot more than its PCs.

With this, many people thought that the iPhone maker was going to kill its desktop computers and concentrate on the laptops. If you thought this was going to happen, think again as Tim Cook has spoken about this and the company’s plans to do more with desktop computers especially in the ‘pro’ market.

Cook spoke during a Q&A session at Apple’s headquarters saying that the company has not forgotten about its professional customers. This is what he said “You will see us do more in the pro area. The pro area is very important to us. The creative area is very important to us in particular.”

The above comment is not specific but is addressing those who are not impressed with what the company has been doing lately and the lack of a new Mac Pro and iMac even though we saw a new MacBook towards the end of 2016. This happened and still the latest version of the Mac Pro was released back in 2013. Things have changed between then and now and that is why some people were worried that the company was not that committed to these devices.

Cook and hinted that we should expect to see some new things in this sector from the company very soon. The company may be working on a few things behind the scenes that we will know about very soon. He said, “Don’t think something we’ve done or something that we’re doing that isn’t visible yet is a signal that our priorities are elsewhere.”

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Editor at TechArena. I cover all things technology and review new gadgets as I get them. You can reach me on email: [email protected]