Telegram has just pushed out a major update that introduces a number of features to its platform. This update brings Telegram version 3.15 for Android that sees the introduction of pinned chats, IFTTT integration, updated photo editor just to name a few.
Pinning conversations is quite easy and all you have to do is long press the conversation and you will be presented with three options, ‘Pin to top’, Clear history’ and a ‘Delete’ option. The conversation will be pinned at the top and will have a slightly different colour to make it easier for you to tell the difference. When new messages come in, the conversation will not be pushed down. You can pin more than one chat conversation using this new feature.
IFTTT integration makes it easier for you to link your Telegram account to other services such as Twitter, Instagram, Spotify, Gmail, and others. You will be able to control these services directly from Telegram and even get messages when something happens. You will be able to add the @IFTTT bot to your chats for an even better experience.
The photo editor has also been improved and now allows you to rotate photos by any number of degrees in the photo editor. In addition to this, you will also be able to view YouTube and Vimeo in Picture-in-Picture mode.
The updated Telegram app also makes it possible to Forward content from groups and Cloud Chats to Secret Chats.
To get these features, make sure you head to the Play Store and get the updated Telegram app.
Read More: Telegram’s Latest Update Allows You to Edit Sent Messages
In ver 4.3 , U no need for long press
Just swipe to left then pin, mute etc
Have fun.