
We are living in a smart and connected world but are you?

Internet of things

The top 5 reasons you should consider owning a PC

This is by no doubt the most connected and smartest generation since the beginning of time. While inventions like the light bulb, the telephone and aeroplane have been hailed in the past decades and millennia, it is the computer, and by extension the internet that have tipped the balance.

It is for this reason that broadband internet was in 2015 voted ‘the top engineering innovation of the last decade’ receiving 53% of votes in a public survey by the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) beating smartphones and satellite navigation.

In such a connected world where our clothes, cars, electrical appliances and even shoes, with the help of technology communicate to us and our devices, being pugged in has become inevitable. And a PC becomes an extremely important element in this matrix.

First, a PC’s portability frees you up to be connected everywhere and anywhere. You can literally grab your laptop and go into your living room, verandah, at a friend’s house while still remaining connected to the internet.

Similarly, if your work entails traveling to different cities and towns, you don’t have to worry about accessing your stored files and work documents because they’re all accessible from a PC either in its local storage or on cloud. A laptop gives you the true freedom of working and enjoying your life anywhere.

Second, a PC opens you up into a world of amazing applications and software. Until recently, the internet limited most people’s activities to exchanging emails, reading the news, and perhaps maintaining a blog. However, a PC is now transforming you into a deejay, a painter, a creative designer and many more amazing things as a result of the wonderful software’s and applications that are available and easy to use. Furthermore, you can explore all these possibilities while in the comfort of your home or office.

Third, a smart and connected world demands that you always remain on. This has been the dilemma of many as news, businesses and even relationships today operate in real-time thanks to social media. This has pushed us to demand devices that store power that keeps us connected on the go. With a PC, don’t always have to worry about power source.

Depending on the laptop model, battery capacity and usage, a PC typically gives you three to four hours without being connected to a power source. So you can be at your favourite coffee shop, do some work, connect with friends a post a selfie on Instagram all without worrying about power source.

The fourth reason you will want to own a laptop in this connected generation is that today’s society, as unfair as it maybe, expects you to be always connected. The era of replying to your client’s email after 24 hours is long gone. While some sectors of society might still allow it, it has become an unspoken rule that people ought to be available and responsive the more our world becomes one connected and smart village. A PC conveniently enables you to meet the demands of this changing world.

Finally, if you want a wireless and clutter free connected life, a PC is the way to go. Compared to the conventional desktop, a laptop helps you remain connected without the clutter of wires and cables connecting from the monitor, to a mouse, to a keyboard and the CPU.

A PC gives you choice. It’s convenient to use, it gives you flexibility and freedom, and it can be a perfect companion of your day-to-day life, even if you own a tablet device or a smartphone.

By David Karega, a Communications Consultant and technology enthusiast

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