
Periscope Gets a major update and Now Broadcasts Are Now Permanently Available On Its Platform

Periscope has just updated its platform to introduce new features that will make the app competitive in the video broadcasting market. The main update the company has introduced has to do with how long the broadcasts are stored on its platform.

The company has announced that broadcasts will now be available for more than 24 hours. Before this update, all Periscope broadcasts were automatically deleted after 24 hours and this made sense as the platform is positioned for sharing live broadcasts. Some people liked this and others did not and the company is finally allowing users to choose which one is perfect for them.

Users will still have their broadcasts deleted after 24 hours but those who want them stick around for a few extra hours or days will be able to do so. In a statement, the company said, “Our goal is to give you full control of your broadcasts. Soon, your broadcasts will be automatically saved on Periscope and Twitter with comments and hearts. Should you change your mind, you can still delete your broadcasts at any time in the post-broadcast screen or in your profile. And, for those of you who still want your broadcasts to be removed after 24 hours, you can easily configure that in your account settings.”

A search option

Periscope has also announced that it is introduction a search button for those who want to search for broadcasts by topic or title. You will be able to see a list of suggested topics when you tap on the search button on the Global List. Topics such as #Travel, #Music, #Food will show up allowing you to easily find what you may be interested in.

The statement by Periscope went ahead to say, “To broadcast about a topic, simply tap the Broadcast button in the topic’s search results to add the relevant hashtag, or add the hashtag to your title directly.”


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Editor at TechArena. I cover all things technology and review new gadgets as I get them. You can reach me on email: [email protected]