We are getting unconfirmed reports that Windows 10 Mobile will start rolling out to existing Lumia users anytime from today. We have been hearing that Microsoft has plans to update older Windows Phone devices to the latest OS but this has still not happened and the company has not communicated anything.
The report which cites sources close to Microsoft saying that the update will be available for some users as from today. Microsoft will be using a ‘pull model’ which means that the devices selected to receive the update will have to initiate it manually. This means that you should not expect any OTA notifications informing you that the update is available for you.
After the initial ‘Pull model’ Microsoft will trigger a push model for the remaining devices at a later date. The report did not reveal which devices will be getting the update first but we had previously had that it will be made available to the Lumia 520, 532, 625, 720, 820, 920, 925, 930, 1020, and 1320 smartphones first before the other Windows devices.
Microsoft is expected to make a formal announcement on this anytime from today so you should definitely watch out for that.
Read More: These Are the Lumia Smartphones That Will Be Getting Windows 10 Mobile Update