Telegram has updated its app with new features that will make group chatting even more enjoyable. The instant messaging app is known for its amazing group chat experiences and wants to take that further as it expands the limit of supergroup members from the current 1000 to 5000. Yes, you read that right, the limit to the number of users in every group is 5000. This is a very big number if you ask me and I wonder how having a group with 5000 people will go about, probably it will be more like what Facebook groups currently offer.
Telegram has also introduced pinned messages which will be display at the top of the chat screen and this is perfect for supergroup admins to keep the group member informed about important news. A statement from Telegram reads, “Supergroup admins can now inform all members about important news using pinned messages. Pinned messages are displayed at the top of the chat screen. All members will get a notification — even if they muted ordinary messages from the group.”
Public Groups
Telegram has also announced that supergroups can become public and will get short link that users can share with their contacts and even those not in the group can see the chat history. The company knows that making groups public will introduce a bunch of spammers and has already figured out ways to prevent this. “To prevent potential spam issues, we’re introducing powerful moderation tools for group admins. From now on, they can quickly delete all messages from a specific member, block and report them,” a statement from the company said.
Telegram will be rolling out public groups gradually so you will have to be patient. They are already available to users in Europe and America with other countries following soon. “Please note that we’ll be rolling out public groups gradually. They’re already live in Europe and America, but are currently not available in several countries in Asia, from which we detected significant spam activity in the past,” the company concluded.
Read More: Over 100 Million people use Telegram every month