
APP OF THE WEEK: AppLock (Smart AppLock)

Smart AppLock App Protector

The beauty of android is the endless possibilities of customization and this week we’re looking at an app that helps you keep the snoopers away. A few weeks ago, we looked at Stop Swipin! an app that restricts people from scrolling through your phone when you give it to them to see a photo. Well, AppLock helps you prevent snoopers from accessing any part of your phone, and I mean literaly any part.
There are dozens of apps that create a password over an app, requiring you to eneter your password before you access the app, but AppLock does something more than just show a password box. I have tried many of these apps but none came close to impressing me as much as AppLock did.
Since, we all know how these kinds of apps work, you probably have one running on your device right now, we will dive right into the special features of AppLock.

  1.  You can set a fake force close. Yeah, I just realized some of you might have no clue what a force close is but I am sure you have experienced it more than once (**cough** especially android users). You know when you try open an app or you’re busy using an app and you see such an error?

    Now that’s what we call a force close. So AppLock has the feature to trick snoopers that the app they are trying to access has force closed, where in reality, it is only a security feature to keep people off your private stuff.

    This fake force close error will show up each time someone tries to open the app and can only be by passed by long pressing the ok button for a few seconds and the enter password screen will appear.
  2. Multiple passwords – this simply means you can lock all your apps using different passwords.

  3. Taking pictures of the snooper. As much as this feature has been replicated by various apps, I like how it works here. It simply takes a picture of anyone who tried to access your apps but entered the wrong password a couple of times.

It is a basic app, with functinalities like all the other apps, but the reason why I recommend AppLock and not the rest, is that one feature, the fake force close. This left a lasting impression on me. You can download AppLock on your android device here.
I know, I don’t feature many apps that are on iOS, but I am working on that.

Last Week’s App: Sprightly

About author

I'm all about mobile apps, gadgets and smartphones. I tell you what's worth getting and what sucks!