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iOS 9 Adoption Currently Stands at 77%, Same Figure Recorded Earlier This Month

Apple has released its latest iOS adoption numbers that give us a clue as to which iOS versions are popular and which aren’t. From the figures, iOS 9 which is the company’s latest OS version is the most popular one with 77% adoption.

Late last month, iOS 9 adoption stood at 75% and rose to 77% earlier this month and it seems to have stagnated there ever since. Adoption of new iOS versions has always been high and has been known to reach 90% sometimes and iOS 9 may not be rising a fast as I expected.

iOS 9 adoption

Following iOS 9 at a distant is iOS 8 whose adoption is 17%. This is followed by the earlier iOS versions which have a combined share of 6%.

Compared to Android

As for Android, we still have a long way to go, the latest public release, Android Marshmallow is only installed in just 1.2% of the devices. Google released it sometime in September and this means that it has been on the market for as long as iOS 9 has been around.

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