WhatsApp’s popularity has been rising so fast the last couple of years but this rise is threatened by other messaging apps such as Telegram. With this rise, WhatsApp has to do everything to maintain its lead in any way possible.
According to reports, WhatsApp has been blocking links to its rival (Telegram). Telegram links are not hyperlinked and therefore not clickable on WhatsApp, they appear just like any plain text you share. This beats the logic of sharing links through WhatsApp as they cannot be clicked, copied or forwarded to other users.
According to a Reddit user, this issue surfaced with the latest update that updates your WhatsApp version to 2.12.327. The issue is also isolated to WhatsApp for Android and it is not clear if other platforms will suffer the same. At the moment, links on WhatsApp for iOS are working fine.
It is not clear why WhatsApp decided to roll out this update but the company is owned by Facebook which has been known block links to outside sites. Rolling out this feature may be a mistake (or not) but no official comment has been issued so far.
All we have to do right now is sit and wait to see if the changes will be reversed. We will update you if any changes occur.
Read More: WhatsApp for Android Gets Updated and Now Supports Starred Messages and Link Previews